Marion Iowa personal injury attorneys can assist individuals diagnosed with Mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma claims in Marion Iowa for the recovery of damages are filed as a result of asbestos exposure due to work-related, or industry-related occupations and duties. An attorney experienced with asbestos-related cancer can initiate legal action to prove negligence on the part of an employer and seek monetary compensation for victims, and families who may have experienced harm from secondary exposure. Iowa mesothelioma lawyers will work with medical professionals and businesses to achieve a successful damage award for harmful losses, depending on the particulars of a case, including severity of loss, and knowledge of the dangerous asbestos exposure.
Disease progression.
Mesothelioma manifests as a malignant tumor that is caused by inhaled asbestos fibers and forms in the lining of the lungs, abdomen, or heart. Symptoms can include shortness of breath and chest pain. The life expectancy for most mesothelioma patients is approximately 12 months after diagnosis. Treatment may improve prognosis and can include expensive surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. Malignant mesothelioma is a rare, incurable, asbestos-related cancer that usually affects the lining of the lungs. This cancer is known as pleural mesothelioma. But mesothelioma tumors can also form on the linings of the abdomen, heart, and testes, thereby affecting more men.
Legal actions.
The two most common types of mesothelioma claims are personal injury lawsuits and wrongful death claims. Personal injuries may be caused by conditions associated with the workplace environment itself and part of a mesothelioma claim can be filed at a worker’s compensation commission, or Veteran’s Affairs office (VA), when certain job-related duties in military service allowed for the exposure to the asbestos product. Thirty-three percent of mesothelioma cases involve Navy and shipyard exposure. Many manufacturers coordinated an industry-wide cover-up, hiding the deadly truth about asbestos while countless Americans were exposed and later became sick. Experienced Marion mesothelioma attorneys are instrumental in proving negligence to hold those at fault answer for what they did and compensate victims for their otherwise preventable suffering.
Wrongful death. Family members and/or legal representatives can also file a wrongful death legal action within the appropriate statute of limitations when death is a result of a mesothelioma diagnosis. Compensation may cover medical bills and treatment expenses including surgeries; funeral and burial expenses; lost wages relevant to life expectancy compensation; pain and suffering, and punitive damages.
Negligent manufacturers.
Experienced mesothelioma lawyers are familiar with asbestos manufacturers and costly treatment options that may help a prognosis for a mesothelioma patient. Mesothelioma attorneys may be able identify which companies, or jobs are responsible for the resultant illness by accessing an inclusive database that may provide more avenues for damage compensation, specifically when negligent parties were not transparent regarding the dangers of asbestos products exposures.
Seek legal assistance.
Individuals who have been exposed to asbestos in the workplace, the military service, or through another occupational relationship, and who are diagnosed with mesothelioma should contact a mesothelioma attorney. Injured parties may benefit from large settlements when defendants wish to avoid a public legal battle in court.